A new towns celebration initiative funded through the ERDF Welcome Back Fund supported by East Suffolk Council


Four unique events celebrate East Suffolk’s market towns.

The MarketPlace project will initially see four towns hosting pilot markets, all incorporating a mini-festival feel, with a range of live music from local musicians and DJs, street performances, workshops, locally-sourced food and drink as well as children’s activities. The project kicked off in Saxmundham on 3rd December and during the early spring will make its way to Beccles, Lowestoft and Leiston, with each event reflecting a sense of place including stand-out businesses and key characteristics.

The MarketPlace project will also deliver a consultancy package of support to advise towns on best practice for event development, undertaking a feasibility study to assess the types of events that towns can support and what marketing could help to encourage greater footfall into the centres to support their recovery. The consultancy package will offer each town a face-to-face masterclass with Wayne Hemingway, First Light C.I.C. Director and co-founder of HemingwayDesign Design Studio.



MarketPlace Project visited Saxmundham in early December for a family friendly festive celebration. Thank you to everyone who helped to make it a superb evening!



We’re planning a special event in Beccles, taking place 5 March 2022. Stay tuned for more information.


We cant wait to pop-up in Leiston with a brand new event, 26 March 2022. Details to be revealed soon!


MarketPlace Project is coming to Lowestoft in 2022 - keep in touch to find out more.


Living local and interested in taking part? Please email us on
